
Keeping in mind the contribution of Khadi cotton-weavers, during its 694th meeting of KVIC held at Kutch, Gujarat on January 30, 2023 Khadi and Village Industries Commission under the Chairmanship of Shri Manoj Kumar, took a decision to increase the wages from Rs.7.50 per hank to Rs.10 per hank for income generation, which would increase the monthly income of artisans by around 33% and 10 % increase in the wages of weavers . This decision will be effective from 1 April 2023.
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi through his radio broadcast program “Mann Ki Baat” has appealed many a times to buy khadi “especially the youth”. As a result, there has been a record sale of Khadi products year after year. Prime Minister has appreciated every possible effort to increase the adoption of khadi and production and sales of Khadi with the motto of “Khadi for Nation, Khadi for Fashion and Khadi for Transformation” to popularize Khadi time and again.
On this occasion, KVIC Chairman Shri Manoj Kumar said that in the financial year 2021-2022, the production of Khadi and Village Industries products was 84,290 crores and the sale was 1,15,415 crores. This year on 2nd October, CP Outlet of Khadi India has set a new record of Khadi sales in a single day of Rs 1.34 crore. The credit for which goes to the Clarion call made by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to the people of the country to buy Khadi and to lakhs of artisans and Khadi workers engaged in Khadi production and sales work, who work tirelessly.
Further he said that, with the aim of encouraging Khadi workers at the village level, and to increase Khadi production, resulting in strengthening the rural-economy by creating optimum employment, KVIC organised series of Khadi Samvad in the last few months with Khadi workers, Khadi institutions and organizations working in different areas of the country.
He said that during the ‘Khadi Samvad’, he found that the spinners and weavers of Khadi sector have made a special contribution in increasing the production of Khadi and the demand for increasing their remuneration has been pending for decades. This demand was taken up in 694 th meeing of KVIC .
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