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National Council for Cement and Building Materials (NCB) to organize 17th International Conference on Cement, Concrete and Building Materials

November 30, 2022


Theme of the conference to be “Moving towards Net Zero Carbon Emission”

National Council for Cement and Building Materials(NCB), a premier R&D institute under Administrative Control Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India, is organizing 17th International Conference on Cement, Concrete and Building Materials. This year’s theme of the conference is “Moving towards Net Zero Carbon Emission”.

Shri Anurag Jain, Secretary to Government of India, Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce & Industry will inaugurate the international conference on 06th December 2022.   Further in Concluding Session on 09th December,2022, Shri Som Prakash, Minister of State, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India will be presenting the National Awards for Energy Efficiency, Environmental Excellence, Circular Economy and Total Quality Excellence in Indian Cement Industry.

The biennial event is being organized this year from 6-9 December, 2022 at Manekshaw Centre, New Delhi. These conferences have emerged as a single largest event in this part of the globe, in which the cement and construction industry all over the world look forward to participation.

The forthcoming conference has received overwhelming response from various industrial sectors, Government, academia, machinery manufacturers & consultants from India and across the globe.

Besides panel discussions and keynote addresses from eminent speakers from industry and academia, about 150 technical papers shall be presented close to 20 technical sessions. More than 80 leading equipment manufacturers and service providers of India and the world, will also showcase their technological prowess, new products and services in a Technical Exhibition, in sync with conference.

NCB’s areas of work span over the entire spectrum of cement manufacturing and usage – starting with geological exploration of raw materials through the processes, the machinery, the manufacturing aspects, energy and environmental considerations to the final utilization of materials in actual construction, third party quality assurance services of construction projects, condition monitoring & rehabilitation of buildings and structures.

It serves as the nodal agency for providing the Government the necessary support for formulation of its policy and planning activities related to growth and development of cement and construction industry.

It is devoted to protect the interests of consumers of cement and concrete in the country. NCB’s stakeholders are Government, Industry and Society, who perceive NCB’s role as discharging national responsibility, providing adequate technology support and improving the quality of life respectively.

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